Specialist accountants for doctors and health professionals
Whether you’re a general practitioner, surgeon, dentist, chiropractor or physio, at m+h Private we know just how hard you’ve worked to acquire your expertise and build your career. And the busier you become, the less time you have to make your earnings and business structures truly work for you. Not forgetting the crucial details of accurate financial reporting. That’s why it makes huge financial sense to collaborate with a trusted specialist advisor and accountant for doctors and health professionals - Brisbane’s m+h Private.
Take a financial health check
Are you still dealing with a general accountant? One who:
Still charges (heftily) by the hour?
Advises you on complex health accounting, tax and practice structures with which they aren't fully up to speed?
Has no real understanding of, or different investment strategies for, your particular career progression?
Doesn’t properly take into account your lifestyle considerations?
Takes a while to get back to you when you need speedy answers and advice?
If the answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’, you need a remedy. Refer yourself to an experienced chartered accountant who specialises in the unique and ever changing requirements of health care finance and accounting - m+h Private.
Leave it to the medical accountant experts
At m+h Private we can provide you with an end to end solution to every facet of your business structural, and medical accounting, needs. Everything from legal tax reduction strategies and ongoing compliance, asset protection and progression through to judicious planning - from internship through to your retirement. Even the nitty gritty of accounts and payroll if you need it. All in one streamlined, transparent accounting package that’s specifically tailored to the needs of your medical career and your lifestyle. For a fixed monthly fee, so you get no surprises, or end of year add-ons.
So, how does it work? Your custom package can be scaled up or down, according to your current needs. But some of our most popular medical accounting packages include:
Ongoing expert advice and support on crucial issues such as:
Salary packaging
Structuring options for every stage of the lifecycle
Debt management
Estate and asset protection
Regular management accounts
Annual income tax planning
Cashflow planning, management and monitoring
Income tax return preparation and lodgement
Other statutory compliance management - GST, PAYG, FBT and Payroll Tax
Unlimited support, whenever you need it
Our accounting and taxation services can of course work as an addition, or in place of your current needs. We can collaborate with your existing bookkeeper if you wish, to help get your tax and accounting systems fully sorted. Plus, knowing your time constraints, we’re more than happy to come to you for your regular updates and advice.
Let’s talk
Get in touch with m+h Private to find out how we can transform your medical structuring, finance, tax and accounting processes, and make the most of your earnings and lifestyle.
Call us today for a no obligation discussion on +61 7 3036 7174.