Employment entitlements during natural disasters or emergencies

Natural disasters such as cyclone “Alf” can significantly impact workplaces, leading to challenges in employee attendance and business operations. Fair Work Australia provides guidance on managing employee payments and office closures during such events.

An employee may have entitlements under their award or agreement that should be reviewed and applied in the first instance.

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James Hoeft
Using Your SMSF for Property Development or Investment: Strategies for Smart Structuring

A common question we hear is ‘How can I access the cash in my super fund?’

The typical response? Not until you're older, possibly greying, and perhaps more interested in bingo than property deals.

But let’s challenge that thinking—there are strategic (and legal!) ways to make your Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) work for you before retirement. One of the most popular options? Property.

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James Hoeftm+h Private
Stage 3 Tax Cuts Summed Up

Alright, buckle up mates! The Aussie government is doing a little tax tango, shaking things up with the Stage 3 tax cuts. It's like a sequel to a blockbuster - more twists, more drama, more broken promises and more cash in your pocket come July 1, 2024.

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James HoeftMH Private

Fun BS Tax, officially known as Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT), was a tax introduced to kill the vibe. It specifically taxes long lunches, expensive gifts, parties, corporate boxes, and motor vehicles.

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James Hoeftm+h Private
$5,000 Small Business Grant

From 9am on Wednesday 4th May 2022, the next round of Business Basic grants program will be open for applications.

These grants offer $5,000 to eligible new or emerging businesses to improve their operations, such as upgrading websites, improving skills or adopting best practice.

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James Hoeftm+h Private
TFNs, ABNs, DINs… oh my!

The list of identification numbers to remember has just become longer if you’re a director of an Australian company as part of the ATO’s Modernising Business Registers plan.

A Director identification number (director ID) is a unique identifier that all Company Directors will need to apply for once and will be attached to a director permanently, even if they cease to be a director, change their name, or move interstate or overseas.

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James Hoeft
Lockdown Funding

In light of the recent lockdown affecting most of the SEQ corner, the government (both federal and state) have announced various funding packages to assist business + employees.

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James Hoeft

Whilst Santa is busy getting his Covid-19 quarantine clearances for border travel, we’ve been working tirelessly with his elves to make sure you have a few Xmas gifts under the tree …

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James Hoeft
2021 Budget Best Bits

With the Spring Carnival well and truly at the pointy end, Scomo and Junior Burger have put Kirribilli House on you to spend like there is no tomorrow (as they will), after the announcement of the 2021 Federal Budget.

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James Hoeftm+h Private
JobKeeper 2.1

Confucius say “when government stimulus comes, do not use all of it…”

Scomo is at it again, he has tweaked the next round of jobkeeper payments announced on 21 July 2020 to make it easier for businesses to access.

Here are the important parts you should be aware of:

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James Hoeft
JobKeeper 2.0 & JobTrainer – Your NEED TO KNOW guide

JobKeeper 2.0 & Job Trainer: Your NEED TO KNOW guide

One can only assume Scomo and Junior Burger were never told money doesn’t grow on trees. Treasury’s printing presses have been running faster than Officeworks can supply ink. We have not seen this stimulus flow through the economy for sometime (possibly ever), but at what cost?

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James Hoeft